Last Minute Blues
I find it to be mind boggling that so many people wait until the last minute to take care of important responsibilities. Just to name a few, people wait to pay bills, write papers, follow-up phone calls, doctor appointments, registration of some sort, or seek some form of psychological help. Even though they face consequences such as, late payments, throwing away money they don’t have, a lowered grade or a late paper fee, deteriorating health, missed opportunities, delay in some forward progress or reconciliation, relationship discord, overwhelming stress, and depression, what I call the last minute blues, their behavior does not change.
Are you a last minute person? Do you find your spirit low, somewhat like a deflated helium filled balloon, when you don’t take care of business? Take some time and think of all the things you have neglected to do. Now imagine that you have taken care of everything that needed your attention. Check in with your body, mind, spirit and, soul. Notice how you feel. My guess is that this experience is how you would like to feel. So what stops you?, is the question of the day. Why don’t we do what we know? Or better yet, why don’t I do what I know is best for me, my soul, and others in which I am in relationship?
MAKING MOVEMENT-I suggest you take time to ponder this question and repeat the experience of imagining ALL YOUR TASK ARE COMPLETED. Hopefully your body experience will move you to action and toward taking better care of yourself. Know that baby steps are better than no steps at all. Let yourself witness the smile back on your face and the life back in your body.
Until next time,
Cooboday (Grant strength, courage, and guidance)